Learn how traders in the group are taking tax free profits with trading.

What you will gain access to with the IrishTrader247 trading course

  • Access to full trading course (15 sections)

  • Access to exclusive trading levels and watchlists

  • Access to full trading server (22 locked channels)

  • Beginners guide to stock market

  • Access to 24/7 support

  • Access to psychology and risk management course

  • Crypto advice

  • Crypto chat channel

  • Daily pre-market-signals

  • Weekly market breakdown (Sunday analysis)

  • Exclusive breakdowns and analysis

  • Tax free trading profits

  • Scalping strategy course

  • Helpful trading videos

  • Lifetime access to IT247 private discord

Testimonials! (Full course)

What you get with the daily signals

  • Full access to daily pre market signals

  • Minimum 3 signals per day (15 per week)

  • Full access to sunday analysis

  • Access to 5 channels in the private discord

  • Full access to the IT247 chat room

  • Crypto advice

  • Crypto chat

  • Risk management strategy

  • Access to full trading course (15 sections)

  • Access to exclusive trading levels and watchlists

  • Access to full trading

  • Beginners guide to stock market

  • Access to 24/7 support

  • Access to psychology and risk management course

  • scalping strategy course

  • Helpful trading videos

Testimonials! (Daily signals)

Commonly asked questions

How are all the profits tax free?

Traders take all the profits tax free as they trade on a spread betting account.

A spread betting account is classified as betting /gambling from the government which allows us

to take all the profits tax free!

How long will it take to make back my money after joining the mentorship

the majority of clients make back their €199 within the first 2-3 weeks of trading on a live account.


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You can rest assured I will only share things I believe in and will truly be of value to you.

Earnings Disclaimer:

The information provided in the trading course is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Trading and investing in the financial markets involves risk, and there is no guarantee that you will achieve any specific financial outcome or earn profits. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Any examples or testimonials shared in our trading course are not indicative of typical results and should not be considered as a guarantee of earnings or success. Your individual results may vary